Learn more about - The Golden Road

The designation of "Cultural Municipality of the Year" accelerated collaboration in tourism in Inderøy. The result was The Golden Road, a cooperative effort with its own members.

The Golden Road traverses beautiful cultural landscapes in Inderøy municipality in Trøndelag, featuring food, art, and cultural experiences along the way. Along The Golden Route, you can visit craftspersons in their workshops, farm food producers, historical monuments, galleries and art museums, sculpture parks, and enjoy delicious food and restful accommodations in peaceful and unique surroundings. The pace of life is often a bit slower in Inderøy compared to other places, and you will discover this as well when you visit.

It takes 12 minutes to drive the E6 between Røra and Vist. The Golden Road takes 8 minutes longer... or a day, a week, a whole summer, a lifetime...

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History of the Golden Road

Cultural Municipality of the Year

In 1996, Inderøy Municipality was named "Cultural Municipality of the Year" in Norway. Following this, the municipality organized a brainstorming session aimed at fostering closer and better collaboration in tourism. During this meeting, the name "The Golden Route" was introduced, which has proven to be worth its weight in gold over time.

The municipality, led by then economic director Einar Jakobsen, subsequently invited businesses that he thought would fit into the plans, and in 1998, a cooperative association was established.

Number of Members

The designation as Cultural Municipality of the Year sparked increased collaboration in tourism in Inderøy. The result was The Golden Route, a cooperative effort with its own members.

At the start, 10 businesses joined, and common bylaws and admission criteria were established to be followed. To ensure smooth cooperation, specific rules were written down. These rules have been adjusted many times since then, and the requirements to become a member have only become stricter over the years.

Straumen - Norway’s Most Attractive Town 2020

"Norway's Most Attractive Town" is awarded each year by the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation. In September 2020, it was Straumen, the municipal center of Inderøy, that emerged victorious over Hamar and Porsgrunn. It was the first time a locality without city status received the Attractive Town Award.


The Golden Route is celebrating its 25th anniversary. Starting with around 10 members, the membership has more than doubled. Today, there are 24 members in the cooperative.